| Written by Erika S. |
Freshman year was a huge transition in and of itself and the first thing I wish I knew as a commuting freshman was how to navigate parking. The commute could take up a solid chunk of your day, so you are going to want to know how to make it as smooth as possible! Follow my 6 steps below for a more efficient commuter lifestyle:
1. Leave 10 minutes earlier.
The best thing you can do is start your day off stress-free by leaving a little earlier and saving yourself the initial hassle of traffic. Be wary of any construction detours that may circle you around campus before you reach the parking lot. A slight adjustment in your arrival time will likely help you avoid having to find parking in a lot swarming with cars arriving in the last minutes before their 8:00 a.m. classes.
2. Find your spot.
If you follow Step 1, you’ll be quick to realize that the best spots are closest to the shuttle stops. It’s the fastest way to sprint to-and-from a shuttle, which should result in you facing the least amount of traffic on your wa
y out for the day. You’ll appreciate this especially during those colder winter months! You should arrive early and grab the closest spot you can. If you’re consistent, your spot will become like an “unassigned-assigned” seat that everyone claims for their classes.

3. Get to know your shuttle drivers and Rutgers-Camden security team.
Who is driving you to and from class? Who is always there to open the doors for you, even on a rainy day? That’s right—your shuttle drivers and Rutgers?–Camden security team! You should make an effort to spark a conversation when you’re sitting on the shuttle or passing security on your walks around campus. Security is here to help and protect you— becoming familiar will increase your comfort level on campus!
4. Check the Rutgers App for an accurate shuttle tracker.
The weather is warm and you’re debating whether to take the walk from the lots to campus or just waiting for the shuttle with some cool AC. The quickest way to figure out if you just missed the previous shuttle is to make use of the Rutgers–Camden App! Aside from the Starbucks line camera, I find the app is most useful for the shuttle tracker, which helps locate the shuttles as they make their way through the city.

5. Watch for signs.
The City of Camden and our parking lots have plenty of “one way” signs to make traffic flow smoother. Make sure to pay attention to these signs to avoid traffic jams! There is no worse feeling than being the person who caused a 10-minute traffic jam because you tried to cut a corner down the wrong route. Save yourself (and others) the headache!
6. Park near friends.
Rutgers–Camden is like a small city where you can know just about anyone if you put yourself out there. Find a friend or group of friends with a similar schedule and try to park near each other. You’ll always have a buddy to wait with you or walk with on those nicer, sunny days. Another plus to having a buddy with you is if you’re leaving later at night. There’s always security to walk with you and make you feel safe, but nothing beats having a pal by your side to make this city feel more like home.
If I had known these few tips when I started as a commuter, I could have saved myself a lot of time and stress from running after shuttles, being late to classes, and walking by myself to the farthest spot in the parking lot. Now that I know better and have had the opportunity to pass along the wisdom, I hope you will learn from my experiences. Follow these steps and soon you’ll be parking like a pro!