March 12, 2025

What is Learning Abroad?

What is Learning Abroad?

Learning Abroad v. Study Away

Learning Abroad allows students to have life-changing experiences while learning something pertaining to their field.  Learning Abroad typically happens during breaks in the Winter, Spring, or Summer. These trips tend to be around 10 days to 2 weeks long. In the past, Rutgers-Camden has gone to Paris, Singapore, the UK, Amsterdam, and many other locations! New locations and trips are announced every year!

A Study Away trip is a course-based travel that takes place within the United States and it’s territories. This allows students to travel across the U.S and learn more about the country. It also provides students the chance to travel without having to get a passport or leave the country! These trips are typically about a week long. The destination for these trips depend on the classes being offered but in the past, trips have gone to New Orleans, Alabama, and Puerto Rico!

How much do these trips cost?

The cost of Learning Abroad changes depending on which program you consider doing.  Speaking from past experience, my Learning Abroad cost about $3,700. Sounds like a lot huh? The good news is that there are tons of scholarships available for students to apply to. Scholarships through the Learning Abroad program are also available. The funds from these scholarships and funds can cover things like airfare, housing, international health insurance, and some meals. Students can also use their Experiential Learning Fund to cover the cost of a Learning Abroad trip! Rutgers-Camden also runs a Passport Initiative where students can apply to have the cost of their first passport covered!

Why should I apply?

Now, to answer the big question, why apply? You should apply for a Learning Abroad because it is a chance for you to expand your mindset. It is a time for you to see to the world and leave your comfort zone.

When I went to my Learning abroad in South Africa, I got to see some of the things that many Americans take for granted. Things like access to clean water is much more scarce than it is here in the United States. Learning abroad provides you a chance to learn something new, and possibly make a change in the world no matter how big or small you may think it is. During my time in South Africa, we got to go to a school. called Klipfontein Primary School. We learned that although they might not have all the necessary materials to get the best education, they were still able to make the best out of it. We were able to create games for them to play during their recess time and we were also able to assist them in their learning. It’s a type of experience that makes you want to keep going back. To explore more. To learn from each other.

My advice to you :

My advice to you is to get out of your comfort zone. Go explore the world and make a difference, no matter how big or small it may be. Learn something new, eat something, and see something new. Of course, take lots of pictures! For many of us, this is a once-in-a-lifetime adventure so capture the moment. A picture is worth a thousand words!

A photo I took in South Africa!

Author : Tyrone King Jr.