February 17, 2025

Why Naps Are Important in College

Why Naps Are Important in College
| Written by Myiah G. |

Naps are essential in college. We abused and didn’t appreciate these heavenly rests when we were toddlers and now deeply regret moving around and being loud during our guilt-free nap sessions. But we should be bringing them back now; better late than never, right? So, why are naps important, you may ask (besides to try to catch on sleep after spending an entire night watching Netflix).

Here are some of the benefits napping has for college students:

Information is retained more when we nap.

Surprising, right!? Basically, naps are vital for our mind to transport ideas and information across different areas of the brain. It connects different ideas that we have stored separately to one another. So, the key takeaway from this benefit is that, regular napping contributes to your being an effective thinker which, in turn, is beneficial to your studies.

Naps help you avoid gaining unhealthy weight.

A lot of you may be worried about the Freshmen 15. When you are sleepy, the first thing your body wants to do is eat so it can create more needed energy. Overeating causes bloating and nausea. But, fear not, getting enough sleep will help you combat cravings for those unhealthy, sugary snacks.

Regular napping lowers stress levels.

This is the most important benefit. As you approach midterms and finals, managing your stress becomes especially crucial. Naps help increase the production of a hormone called norepinephrine, which works to regulate stress and how it effects the body.

So, power to the nap! All naps are important, from the quick 20-minute naps to the 6 hour naps (whatever you can afford). Putting nap time in your schedule isn’t a bad idea. Take them often to improve your mind, body, and soul.