February 1, 2025

About The Raptor’s Nest

Raptor (rap-tȯr|ˈrap-tər): noun. 1. a carnivorous medium- to large-sized bird (such as a hawk, eagle, owl, or vulture) that has a hooked beak and large sharp talons and that feeds wholly or chiefly on meat taken by hunting or on carrion.

Not to be confused with a usually small-to-medium sized predatory dinosaur (although we won’t fault you for the mix up.)

Hello and welcome to The Raptor’s Nest, a Rutgers—Camden student-written blog designed specifically for incoming students!

The transition into a University community is one that comes accompanied by a grand number of unique experiences both exciting and challenging. In order to support your transition, our current Rutgers—Camden students have volunteered to share with you the knowledge they’ve learned, the memories they’ve made, and the opportunities they’ve been granted in order to motivate and encourage you to make the most of your college career.

Within these pages you may find the inspiration to pursue new avenues of study, the strength to tackle examinations and interviews with confidence, the push to explore new social opportunities in clubs and organizations, and most importantly: the connections that make Rutgers—Camden a truly united and engaging community.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Authors and Editors that fuel The Raptor’s Nest, take a look Behind the Scenes!

To apply, schedule a visit, or read more about the major and minor programs Rutgers—Camden has to offer, head to the Admissions website.

We are proud to call ourselves Scarlet Raptors and thank you for allowing us to share that pride with you. To learn more about actual raptors, click here.

A note from our Co-Creator:

It’s funny, when we’re applying for higher education, we think it’s the mere fact of getting a degree that’s going to change our lives, rather than thinking specifically about how our time spent in college will. We tend to ask ourselves: “What university is more affordable? Which one is closer to home (or further away)? Which one has the best reputation?” These questions definitely matter and it’s the answers to these questions on which we ultimately base our decision of which university to attend; however, the answers that determine what the real life-changing part of the experience is going to be like come from more important questions like: “Who am I going to meet? What opportunities are going to come my way? How will one university shape my career path and goals differently than another will?” Because we are only able to answer these questions after we have the experiences themselves, we don’t ask them. Well, we should.

The mission of The Raptor’s Nest is to provide potential and incoming students a glance at what their experiences—both the everyday ones and the life-changing ones—might look like at Rutgers–Camden. The Raptor’s Nest gives current Rutgers–Camden students the space to express themselves and share personal journeys as members of the Rutgers–Camden community. Their stories give you a preview of how you may eventually end up answering those more important questions. The Raptor’s Nest seeks to provide perspective and, by helping you determine how Rutgers–Camden can-and-will change your life, leave you better-equipped in choosing the university that’s right for you.

Breanna Ransome