January 22, 2025

Brittany I:onaenki:ion Clements

You can find all posts written by Brittany here.

Brittany I:onaenki:ion is from Sicklerville, New Jersey and was accepted into Rutgers—Camden in the fall of 2018. Since then, she has declared a major in English and minor in Health Sciences with a focus in Pre-Nursing. All circumstances permitting, she expects to graduate with her B.A. in May of 2022. Afterwards, she plans to pursue the Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.

During the fall of her sophomore year, Brittany accepted a position within the Office of Enrollment Management as a Communications Assistant, wherein she managed The Raptor’s Nest social media accounts with a prominent focus on the Undergraduate Student Blog. Now, she is enjoying her new position as a Biological Aid with the New Jersey Department of Agriculture and eagerly anticipating her coming graduation.

“I came to Rutgers without a solid plan. I had a few ideas regarding my future, sure, but each idea was so very different that I found myself at a loss when trying to decide what exactly I should do. I was lucky enough to find a wealth of opportunities here, both course and career wise, that helped me try on a few different hats and build the perfect plan for me. I am making the most of my education by combining the topics I am most passionate about and ensuring that every future I’ve considered will be a possibility, and I have the professors and staff here at Rutgers—Camden to thank for it.”