May 11, 2024

Katherine C.

Katherine Conway, with a slight tan, medium brown hair, and black framed glasses, stands in front of the brick of the Admissions Building in a Rutgers—Camden baseball tee.

You can find all posts written by Katherine here.

Katherine is from Mantua, New Jersey, and has attended Rutgers—Camden since fall of 2018. She is pursuing a BS in Nursing and is hoping to graduate with a minor in English. Katherine is a part of the Leadership Institute, has been a part of the Raptor Ambassador Program since her first semester at Rutgers, and is currently on the leadership team for the Ambassador Program. Katherine is optimistic about her future, and hopes to be a pediatric nurse in the years to come.

“The opportunities I’ve had here at Rutgers-Camden have been amazing. Being an Ambassador and having the opportunity to meet so many people, make connections, and share everything I love about Rutgers has been a true highlight of my time here at Rutgers.”