January 22, 2025

Things to Do the Summer Before College

Things to Do the Summer Before College
| Written by Alexis K. |

Whether you’re going away or commuting to college, you’re going to experience so much change. Take the summer before college to really appreciate your old life and prepare for the new one you are about to start. I graduated from high school in 2016 so I got to experience the infamous “Summer ‘16” that everyone talks highly about as “the best summer of their lives.” That summer was truly one of the best summers of my life; I tried to do as much possible and spend time with as many people as possible. I knew change was inevitable so I wanted to cherish the time I had with my friends before we all went away to college and met new people. Here are a few things I recommend you try to do the summer before college:

Spend Time With Your High School Friends

Two of my closest friends were going to a college two hours away; the separation anxiety was preemptively setting in. I knew I had to get in as much quality time with them as possible. Whether it was just sitting by the pool talking, going to the beach, or running errands, I really did squeeze in as much time as physically possible. I feel it made us stronger for when they did leave and, although I don’t see them as much as I used to and we don’t talk every day, we are still able to pick right up where we left off when we do get together.

Saying goodbye to my fellow senior teammates.

Submerge Yourself in Your Favorite Hobbies

My favorite things to do are longboarding and cheerleading. I spent a lot of time over the summer before college doing both. When I graduated high school, I was under the impression that Rutgers–Camden didn’t have a cheerleading team (but we actually do), so—with the thought that it would be my last season cheerleading—I joined an open competition team through a town near me. I learned a lot and had a fun and active summer because of my participation with this team. It ended up preparing me even more to join the Rutgers–Camden cheerleading team.

I spent a lot of time on my longboard exploring new places with my friends. I am glad I did at the time because, currently, I don’t have a lot of free time during the school year to enjoy these types of activities regularly.

Go to a Concert (or Two)

One of my all-time favorite summer activities is attending concerts at the BB&T Pavilion (which happens to be right down the street from the Rutgers–Camden campus). This summer in particular I went to so many different concerts there with my friends. I was at the Wiz Khalifa concert when the railing broke and the concert ended early; I got drenched in the rain at Luke Bryan; I even got to attend Dave Matthews Band with my dad. I also attended my first music festival, Made in America Festival, held right over the bridge in Philadelphia, where I got to see two of my favorite artists, Chance the Rapper and Rihanna. I definitely recommend spending a little extra money to gain the experience of seeing your favorites; it’s well worth it.

Trying to stay dry at Luke Bryan.

Take a “Last Hurrah” Trip

My best friend and I decided to take a road trip to Virginia Beach as our “last hurrah.” It was so much fun! I pumped my own gas and went across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (both firsts for me). This was a bit costly so, if you don’t have the funds for a big excursion, take a fun day trip! Heading to Philly, the beach, or Six Flags are all great day-trip options to bond with your friends and decompress. I went to the beach numerous times and did other day trips in between to places like Spruce Harbor Park or nearby lakes.