March 14, 2025

Meet A New Ambassador: Sarihana!

Meet A New Ambassador: Sarihana!

My name is Sarihana, but I preferred to be called Siri. I am a Political Science and Global Studies major here at Rutgers– Camden. I came to Rutgers because it was one of my dream schools. It became my dream school when I was in the third grade. I live in Newark, where the Rutgers–Newark campus is located. The university in Newark offers many programs for people in the community to attend and I did attend some of them when I was younger. When I was younger, I was a weak reader. My second-grade teacher realized this and saw my potential to improve. She told my mom about this summer reading program at Rutgers–Newark. That was my first time hearing about the school. I went to the reading program where they taught me reading skills that made me successful in school and gave me skills that I still utilize to this day! This reading program made me love reading so much so that now when I have free time, I am always reading a book.

Reading is not my only escape, I have other interests such as cooking, looming, crocheting, and I’m currently learning how to knit. Knitting is not an easy thing to pick up. It takes practice and focus. My only problem is the focus part. Another thing that I enjoy is music. I listen to music while doing any and every task I do. I even listen to music while studying, which my mom still cannot understand. She wonders how I am actively studying with loud music in my ear or my room. I listen to all genres of music except three: country, punk rock, and opera. I have tried to listen to these genres, but they just don’t sit right with me. On my Spotify and Apple Music, I have a playlist for all my moods and activities that I am performing. For example, I have one playlist where all the songs on that playlist make me smile.

I also prefer movies over television series. I can watch a series, but it takes some time depending on the series and how engaging it is. It must have a lot of action for me to be able to finish it and to maintain my interest. Now, if you give me a movie to watch, then consider it done. I have a couple of movies that I like, but I have three favorites that I can repeatedly watch without being annoyed. My favorite three are The Harry Potter series, Fast and Furious Series, and The Twilight Saga.

I’m so excited to be a part of the Raptor Ambassador program and to share my stories and experiences with incoming students!