| Written by Arianna F. | Let’s be honest, starting something new is never easy. But do not fear, I’m here to tell you about a few things I learned in my first week of college so you aren’t left completely in the dark. 1. Every day you’ll see both a familiar face and a […]
Best Spots to Study on Campus
| Written by Kayleigh M. | When it comes to college, studying and finishing school work can be difficult. Between hanging out with friends, binge watching Netflix series, or attending the never-ending campus events, it can seem almost impossible to find a place to totally seclude yourself from distractions and ways to procrastinate. This is […]
Fall Back or Spring Forward: 9 Differences Between Fall and Spring Semesters
| Written by Aaron S. | Campus life has many different stages and movements throughout the year, and some of the greatest paradigm-shifts in your experience at college can be found between the fall and spring semesters. To many students, fall and spring each house their own vibe; for others, it all blurs together. Whether […]
Best Places for Food in Camden
| Written by Alexis K. | Whether you live on campus or not, chances are, you are going to want to try other food besides the cafeteria food. Being that I work on campus, my friends and I are constantly walking around Camden on our lunch breaks looking for new places to eat! Before I […]
10 Back Pack Must-Haves
Written by Victoria B. As an incoming student there are probably so many questions churning in your head. One thing that I was unsure about was what to put in my back pack. There are certain things that you’ll want to keep in your back pack to ensure a smooth school year. Here are ten […]