May 3, 2024

Keeping a Fraternity Alive during COVID

Keeping a Fraternity Alive during COVID

Like many clubs and student-run organizations, fraternities have been severely impacted by COVID-19. With most classes transitioning to an online format, Greek Life has been transformed this fall at Rutgers-Camden. However, despite the disruption caused by COVID, some fraternities have managed to keep functioning and even flourish in this new environment.

With 17 active brothers, Alpha Chi Rho (AXP) was one of the largest and most active fraternities on campus before the pandemic. The Crows, as they are known, used to organize weekly events like fundraisers, volunteer activities, chapter meetings, and mixers with other Greek Life organizations. However, after COVID hit in March, the life of AXP and its members drastically changed, with all on-campus events being canceled or postponed for the rest of the year.

Alpha Chi Rho members during a socially distanced event, October 2020.

Despite the uncertainty and disruption caused by COVID, under the leadership of its president Brandon LaMorgia and the fraternity E-board, AXP decided to continue operating in a virtual format. With the help of zoom and other online apps, the fraternity was able to keep its members active and involved. Now, they organize weekly chapter meetings and monthly events like video game tournaments, trivia nights, and football watching parties all online. Besides, as the COVID cases dropped in the state, they have even organized socially distanced in-person events off campus, like renting a whole theater for private movie screenings.

The decision to continue operating in a mostly online environment has been a successful one for Alpha Chi Rho, which has retained all its brothers and has even recruited several new members. As the fall semester progresses, the Crows are confident regarding the fraternity’s future and the brotherhood they have built at Rutgers—Camden.

If you want to know more about Greek Life at Rutgers—Camden, be sure to check the Alpha Chi Rho Instagram page

Written by Cris P., a Rutgers—Camden Undergraduate Student and Raptor Ambassador.