March 6, 2025

Syllabus Week Tips and Tricks

Syllabus Week Tips and Tricks

Syllabus week is the first week of every semester. It is named Syllabus week because during the first week, most professors just go over the syllabus and their overall plan for the semester. In addition to going over the semester, most professors usually let you know what to expect, the course materials you need for the class, as well as their times for office hours. Syllabus week
offers a slow transition into the new semester and gives you time to get your things together as well.

  1. It can be a calm week but Syllabus week would not be complete without professors going Icebreakers. As my college experience is coming to a close as I graduate in Spring 2021, I would like to say I have mastered the ways of Icebreakers. My biggest struggle with ice breaks is knowing what to say, especially when it comes to saying something about yourself or fun facts. Here are some suggestions to what to say to the most basic Icebreakers:
    • Fun fact about yourself?
    • A location! In college, people come from different towns, different states, or different countries. Who knows, you might have that in common with another classmate.
    • Hobbies! You can share your hobbies such as gardening or blogging.
    • Sports! If you play a sport, you can definitely make connections with other people.
    • Job! If you work at Chick-fil-a or somewhere on campus say it. Your classmates could be Chick-fil-a enthusiasts or could ask you about your on-campus job.
    • Pets! Whether you’re a dog lover, a cat lover, or a snake lover, people always love to hear about other people’s pets.
  2. Another important tip would be to print out your syllabus for all your classes. Most of the time your professors will post the syllabus ahead of class online. Printing it out prepares you for the first class and it might get your some good noodle points with your professor for being prepared.
  3. Write down all your important assignments! Starting off the semester right is always a good thing and you don’t want to mess that up by forgetting to do the first assignment. Its is also important to write down when you have class. Missing class on the first week is really bad because important information will be discussed.
  4. Check out the deals for text books! I look for the book in the Rutgers library because it is free for Rutgers students. Always look for the free option. If the library doesn’t have it then look through the internet for the best possible deal you can find.
  5. Look for a friend in class! Having somebody in that class will be extremely helpful. A study buddy is always better than studying alone. You can talk to somebody about the class and about upcoming assignments.

In the end, the best advice you can have on your first week of class is not to stress out! This the beginning of your college career and for some it’s the beginning of a new semester. This is a fresh new start and you want to have the best start possible. Just breathe and you got this! Happy Syllabus Week!

Written by Philip E., a Rutgers—Camden Undergraduate Student and Raptor Ambassador.