February 17, 2025

What No One Tells You

What No One Tells You

College is the “Best 4 Years of Your Life” if You MAKE IT the Best 4 Years of Your Life.

I remember hearing all throughout high school that once you go to college, it will be the best 4 years of your life. But no one ever explained HOW it would be the best 4 years, so then people are just left assuming that those 4 years will automatically be the best. I am here to tell you that you have to MAKE IT the best 4 years of your life. Whether that means getting the best grades, being super involved, making tons of relationships, or evolving as a human being, it takes some effort to experience to its full potential.

Every Second You Spend on Campus, You’re Spending Money

4 years is a long time and your time in college can begin to feel very routine, but you have to remember that you are PAYING to get your education and college experience. So technically, when you are debating whether or not to skip class, you’re going to be spending money. If you decide to attend Spring Fling, Midnight Breakfast, or Destress week, you’re spending money. Even though it is indirect, money is being spent nonetheless. And a lot of people forget about that. So you should make sure that you are making the most of your time in college by going to class, going to events, and creating lasting memories.

Switching Majors is Not the End of the World

As a senior in high school, college decision day makes it feel like you HAVE to know where you are going and what you are going to do for the rest of your life. But that is NOT the case. You are allowed to be confused because everyone has been in that boat at some point. And there are other people in your shoes that feel the exact same way.

You are going to learn so much about yourself during your time in college; everybody evolves. You may or may not like the same things you used to in high school. You may have a new mindset with new opinions, and that is normal. Your new experiences may teach you that you want to take another path in life, and that’s okay!

For some reason, switching majors seems to be this taboo thing to do, but it’s not. You simply email or go to Registrar and say that you want to switch your major. It’s literally as easy as “1, 2, 3”.

It’s very important to realize that college in itself is an investment in your future, so you should invest your time and efforts into a future you want to live.

College Is Really One Big Networking Opportunity

If you really think about it, college is just one big 4 year networking opportunity. Once we all graduate and are in the real world, we use our connections to move up in the world. From the organizations you join to the classmates you sit next to for years, you never know when the connection will come in handy.

Written by Arianna F., a Rutgers—Camden Undergraduate Student and Raptor Ambassador.