September 21, 2024

Category: First Year Advice

Advice for First Generation Students
First Year Advice

Advice for First Generation Students

Being a first generation college student is difficult to say the least. You may feel like you have to figure everything out on your own — I know I did. I searched high and low for all types of scholarships and ended up applying to 35 of them and only receiving six. I went on […]

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What Should You Ask on a Tour?
First Year Advice

What Should You Ask on a Tour?

Choosing colleges can be an extreme challenge when you’re a senior, transfer, or first year. With this challenge comes stress, especially if you have no clue what to look for, which was my problem. Neither one of my parents went to college. I went into college tours having no clue what questions to ask while […]

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Syllabus Week Tips and Tricks
College Survival Guide, First Year Advice

Syllabus Week Tips and Tricks

Syllabus week is the first week of every semester. It is named Syllabus week because during the first week, most professors just go over the syllabus and their overall plan for the semester. In addition to going over the semester, most professors usually let you know what to expect, the course materials you need for […]

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First Year Advice


“Wow, so that’s how…”  is something I’ve thought to myself quite a few times since I turned 18. The first time I felt like a “real adult” was when I went to the doctor’s office by myself. (Granted, it was the pediatrician, but still a trip to the doctor.) I’d already been driving and working […]

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Research on Campus
First Year Advice, Why Rutgers-Camden?

Research on Campus

At the start of college, I would never have imagined that I would be involved in on campus research. In my freshman year of college, I was invited to be part of Q-STEP which was a science club on campus geared towards research. I was invited to join by the advisor of the club, Dr. […]

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How I Made Friends on Campus
College Survival Guide, First Year Advice

How I Made Friends on Campus

Editor’s Note: This article was written and submitted prior to the announcement of a remote semester. Despite the non-traditional environment we have been navigating thus far, we do not expect this situation to become the future norm. As such, we expect this advice and inspiration to remain helpful and encouraging to our students. Making friends […]

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Advice To Your First Year Self
First Year Advice

Advice To Your First Year Self

Getting a Job on Campus is a Great Idea I 10/10 would recommend getting a job on campus. I got my first job on campus through one of the career fairs. As a commuter student, I find it was really convenient to work here because I’d come to campus for class and then, instead of […]

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