If you told me a year ago that the fall 2020 semester would be done remotely, I definitely would not have believed you. This year has brought a lot of surprise, fear, and uncertainty. I have a vivid memory of walking on campus with a group of friends opening the email letting us know we’d […]
Keeping a Fraternity Alive during COVID
Like many clubs and student-run organizations, fraternities have been severely impacted by COVID-19. With most classes transitioning to an online format, Greek Life has been transformed this fall at Rutgers-Camden. However, despite the disruption caused by COVID, some fraternities have managed to keep functioning and even flourish in this new environment. With 17 active brothers, […]
Socially Distanced and COVID Safe Fall Fun
We are facing hard times while living in a global pandemic. You have to be cautious with who you hang out around; you have to worry about hand sanitizing after you get out of a store. Then, you add school to it all! With everything virtual, you might feel like you are all on your […]
Happy to Be “Back”
Going back to school is always exciting. After three months of summer break, the first week of September marks the beginning of the Fall semester at Rutgers University—Camden and other campuses across America. This year, I was more excited than ever to come back to school because my summer was not too fun due to […]
What You Can Do While at Home
Hopefully, everybody is staying home and safe! With being stuck at home you may be feeling bored and trapped in the same routine. I have been figuring out things to keep me occupied and thought, “why not share what I have been doing to keep myself busy?” Clean! Now, you may have already uprooted your […]