Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year. NO, it’s not because of all the presents. It’s because of the FOOD! Every year my grandma makes the perfect dessert: Walnut Peanut Butter Fudge! No matter how full I feel, I always have to have at least one bite of her fudge. If I […]
“Wow, so that’s how…” is something I’ve thought to myself quite a few times since I turned 18. The first time I felt like a “real adult” was when I went to the doctor’s office by myself. (Granted, it was the pediatrician, but still a trip to the doctor.) I’d already been driving and working […]
Tips to Make the Most of a Virtual Internship
Internships are great opportunities to learn new skills and get valuable work experience. With COVID-19 forcing employers to embrace teleworking, virtual internships have become the norm across many industries. While I am not an expert on online internships, I have learned some tricks after completing two during the past year. The following are my four […]
Nursing: The Science That Takes an Art to Learn
Throughout my high-school career, I was in an Allied Health program. Throughout this program, I got an introduction as to what some courses in nursing school could be like. I took classes such as Dynamics of Healthcare, Anatomy & Physiology, and Medical Terminology, among several others. Naturally, as a student who enjoyed these medicine-based classes, […]
Why I Chose Rutgers—Camden
I am a junior, double majoring in Finance and Business Management with a minor in Human Resources. I love being involved in multiple organizations on campus. Currently, I am the Treasurer for the Student Government Association, South Asian Appreciation for Tradition and Heritage (SAATH), and Beta Alpha Psi. Additionally, I a member of the Alpha […]
Keeping a Fraternity Alive during COVID
Like many clubs and student-run organizations, fraternities have been severely impacted by COVID-19. With most classes transitioning to an online format, Greek Life has been transformed this fall at Rutgers-Camden. However, despite the disruption caused by COVID, some fraternities have managed to keep functioning and even flourish in this new environment. With 17 active brothers, […]
Meet Jasmine: Rutgers—Camden Nursing Student
My name is Jasmine Yasay and I’m a sophomore nursing student at Rutgers—Camden. I am a member of the Filipino League of Innovative Pinoy Students and a sister of Sigma Delta Tau. I chose Rutgers—Camden because of the low cost due to the scholarships offered to me and the great nursing program! The nursing building […]
RUC Immersed in History
Did you know that the Rutgers—Camden campus is in the midst of a city full of history? I could definitely tell that parts of the campus were old when I (all of a sudden) started driving through cobble stone roads. Rutgers—Camden is proud to be part of Camden Rising which is an initiative to better […]
Research on Campus
At the start of college, I would never have imagined that I would be involved in on campus research. In my freshman year of college, I was invited to be part of Q-STEP which was a science club on campus geared towards research. I was invited to join by the advisor of the club, Dr. […]
Socially Distanced and COVID Safe Fall Fun
We are facing hard times while living in a global pandemic. You have to be cautious with who you hang out around; you have to worry about hand sanitizing after you get out of a store. Then, you add school to it all! With everything virtual, you might feel like you are all on your […]