September 21, 2024

Category: First Year Advice

How To Stay Organized
College Survival Guide, First Year Advice

How To Stay Organized

College can be a difficult transition for high school and even for transfer students. It might be hard adjusting to new professors, harder courses, and a new environment. It is best to start out with a plan to stay organized rather than having no plan and potentially falling behind. Here are my personal tips to […]

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How to Manage Stress
College Survival Guide, First Year Advice

How to Manage Stress

Ahh, stress. I become stressed just thinking of that word! Regardless of if we despise stress or love it, we should always embrace it. Everyone needs a little stress to thrive in life. But when the stress of school and life become too much, that is when we need to take a step back and […]

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Success and Spring Cleaning
College Survival Guide, First Year Advice

Success and Spring Cleaning

The new semester is well underway, and my planner has been collecting assignments and deadlines as a hobbyist would vintage knick knacks and antiques. I’m off to a quick and busy start, what with juggling full time classes and two demanding jobs, and I have no doubt that my undergraduate community is rowing away next […]

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Note to Self Series: Find Yourself
First Year Advice

Note to Self Series: Find Yourself

| Written by Ashley S. | Heyooo, my dudes! An old friend once told me, “the worst thing you can ever do is lose yourself.” At the time, I didn’t really understand him, but what he said was very much true. Maybe you haven’t been yourself in awhile. Maybe your best friend stabbed you in […]

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Things to Do the Summer Before College
First Year Advice

Things to Do the Summer Before College

| Written by Alexis K. | Whether you’re going away or commuting to college, you’re going to experience so much change. Take the summer before college to really appreciate your old life and prepare for the new one you are about to start. I graduated from high school in 2016 so I got to experience […]

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My On-Campus Job Experience
First Year Advice

My On-Campus Job Experience

| Written by Breanna R. | Having a job on campus can lead to your development as an employee in ways that having certain other off-campus jobs cannot. Before I started working for Rutgers–Camden, I had what you might call odd-jobs (like part-time jobs that didn’t really contribute to my academic development or push me […]

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Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone
First Year Advice

Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

| Written by Marina M. | —A statement we all know is easier said than done; however, college will kick you out of your comfort zone eventually, whether you’re up for it or not (and that’s a good thing). I stepped out of my comfort zone within my first couple days at Rutgers–Camden. I was […]

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