Sometimes, school involves so much academic reading that you feel like you NEED to be reading about something other than cells, or history, or art, whatever the topic may be. Last semester, I took a microbiology class. Each day when I walked in, there was a girl sitting a few seats away from me who […]
My Experience With Commuting vs. Living On Campus
When thinking about going to college you might have a set idea about commuting to school or living on campus. Personally, I have done both and I can share my experience with you all. For starters when I was a senior in high school, I didn’t really know where I wanted to go to college, […]
What to Bring to Live On Campus
I have lived on our beautiful Rutgers—Camden campus for two straight years. I live about an hour away from campus which is the main reason why I decided to live on campus. It turned out to be one of the best choices I’ve made in my college career. I can leave my room 10 minutes […]
How To Stay Organized
College can be a difficult transition for high school and even for transfer students. It might be hard adjusting to new professors, harder courses, and a new environment. It is best to start out with a plan to stay organized rather than having no plan and potentially falling behind. Here are my personal tips to […]
A Chemical Biologist or a Biological Chemist
If you couldn’t guess by the title, I am a biochemistry major. I initially wanted to start college as a chemistry major. When I met with my advisor over the summer going into my freshman year of college he recommended I be a biochem major based on what I wanted to do career wise. For […]
To Our Raptor Ambassadors
When visitors and prospective students come to Rutgers—Camden, our Raptor Ambassadors have the opportunity to make a big impact. They have a unique ability to make everyone feel welcomed, included, and excited for the college journey ahead. I started my journey at Rutgers—Camden in Spring 2019 when I began my graduate study. I completed my […]
What You Can Do While at Home
Hopefully, everybody is staying home and safe! With being stuck at home you may be feeling bored and trapped in the same routine. I have been figuring out things to keep me occupied and thought, “why not share what I have been doing to keep myself busy?” Clean! Now, you may have already uprooted your […]
Why I Chose Rutgers—Camden
During my senior year of high school, I tore my ACL and was unable to walk effectively for a while. This made it difficult for me to tour schools so I did a lot online but Rutgers—Camden was one that I actually toured in person. I had been considering Rutgers—Camden because I knew I did […]
How to Manage Stress
Ahh, stress. I become stressed just thinking of that word! Regardless of if we despise stress or love it, we should always embrace it. Everyone needs a little stress to thrive in life. But when the stress of school and life become too much, that is when we need to take a step back and […]
Best Study Strategies and Tips
One thing I always have to remind myself at the start of a new semester is that every class is different. As a nursing student, a lot of the classes I’ve taken before this semester have been pretty foundational. We learn, we test, we go. It wasn’t until this semester, the second semester of my […]